Huajiang Ouyang received BEng and MSc in Engineering Mechanics in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and PhD in Structural Engineering in 1989, at Dalian University of Technology, China. He is a full Professor at the School of Engineering at the University of Liverpool and the Head of the Dynamics and Control Group.
Dr Ouyang is a Fellow of Institute of Physics and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy. He was a Royal Academy of Engineering and Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow in 2009-2010. He is also a Visiting Changjiang Chair Professor in China. He is a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sound and Vibration, European Editor of International Journal of Vehicle Nosie and Vibration and on the editorial boards of Applied Sciences and Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. He has published 265 journal papers and 111 conference papers.
His main search areas are structural dynamics and control, and structural identification. He is particularly interested in friction-induce vibration, moving-load dynamics, structural identification, inverse structural modifications, and vibration-based energy harvesting.