Carlos Guedes Soares received the M.Sc. degree in ocean engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, in 1976, the Ph.D. degree from the Norwegian Institute of Technology, University of Trondheim, in 1984, and the D.Sc. degree from the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 1991.,He is currently a member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering, and is a Distinguished Professor of the Engineering Faculty (Instituto Superior Técnico), University of Lisbon, and the Head of the Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), University of Lisbon. His research interests include marine environment, marine dynamics and hydrodynamics, marine structures, as well as safety and logistics of maritime transportation. He is a Fellow of the ASME, SNAME, RINA, IMarEST, and Ordem dos Engenheiros, as well as a member of the ASCE, AGU, and SRA.