Mendeley is a free reference manager software and academic social network that can help students to organize their research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. However, some students do not know how to use automatic citations such as Endnote and Mendeley. Managing citations manually is cumbersome and very error prone. What will […]
PERTANYAAN & MAKLUMAT LANJUT Untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi urus setia seperti berikut: Urus Setia Mesyuarat Senat Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik (AMD) Aras Bawah, Blok F54 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Johor Bahru JOHOR No. Telefon : 07-5530325 / 07-5530354 E-mel :
Majlis tersebut akan turut dihadiri oleh Naib Canselor UTM dan Ketua Pustakawan Perpustakaan UTM untuk menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman Antara 20 Universiti Awam.