How To Get Yourself Employed (HTGYE)

Professional Skills Certificate (PSC) Program Compulsory to all Final Year Students.

Please bring along your resume! The Best Resume will be announced at the end of the Industrial Seminar Session


OSHE Roadshow 2019

OSHE Roadshow peringkat UTMKL

Program Syarahan Perdana Profesor Siri ke-96 oleh Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ngah

Tajuk : Perancangan Luar Bandar Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat


Sejak mencapai kemerdekaan, pembangunan luar bandar telah menjadi agenda penting dalam pembangunan negara bagi menangani masalah kemiskinan, kekurangan, kelemahan dan jurang bandar-luar bandar. Perancangan dan pembangunan luar bandar menjadi teras kepada kelestarian proses transformasi ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan alam sekitar ke arah kesejahteraan masyarakat. Syarahan ini mengupas peranan perancangan dan pembangunan luar bandar dalam mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat. Bahagian pertama syarahan ini mengulas tentang konsep perancangan dan pembangunan luar bandar dan anjakan paradigma pembangunan luar bandar dengan pengaruh perubahan pemikiran pembangunan. Pengalaman di Malaysia juga menunjukkan terdapat peralihan penekanan dan pendekatan dalam perancangan dan pembangunan luar bandar seperti dari pendekatan ‘atas-bawah’ kepada pengupayaan komuniti, dan dari pembangunan berpaksi infrastruktur serta ekonomi kepada pembangunan berpaksi manusia.

Pembangunan luar bandar telah berjaya mengurangkan kemiskinan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat desa. Bagaimanapun, kewujudan jurang pembangunan yang disebabkan proses urbanisasi secara berterusan di kawasan metropolitan telah mewujudkan cabaran baru berkaitan dengan pengurangan penduduk di kawasan luar bandar. Bahagian kedua syarahan memberi fokus kepada sumbangan penulis dalam bidang perancangan dan pembangunan luar bandar. Ini termasuk pengajaran, penyelidikan, perundingan, penulisan, dan penglibatan komuniti. Usaha untuk memartabatkan ilmu perancangan dan pembangunan luar bandar telah dilaksanakan oleh penulis melalui penubuhan Rural Research & Planning Group (RRPG) yang turut mengembleng pakar-pakar antarabangsa dalam aktiviti pertukaran ilmu dan pengalaman serta jaringan kerjasama. Bahagian ketiga syarahan mengemukakan beberapa gagasan dan pandangan penulis mengenai laluan pembangunan luar bandar pada masa hadapan bagi mencapai kesejahteraan. Ini termasuk pendekatan dalam perancangan, hala tuju penyelidikan, agenda pembangunan serta tadbir urus bagi mencapai kesejahteraan jangka panjang masyarakat luar bandar.

97th Professorial Inaugural Lecture Series by Professor Dr. C. Shreeshivadasan

Waste Management through Anaerobic Digestion – Opportunities and Challenges from Malaysia’s Perspective


The waste management using anaerobic digestion (AD) not only help protect the environment but also produces useful biogas for energy production. For this regard, the interest in the AD process has increased rapidly worldwide, particularly in Malaysia. Depletion of fossil fuels and environmental deterioration has led to extensive research and development activities to explore renewable energy such as biogas generation from anaerobic digestion of waste for power generation. It has been proven to be a promising alternative to waste disposal and a valuable technology for renewable energy recovery. Although anaerobic digestion is proven to be a feasible and economically viable technology for renewable energy generation of wastes, there are challenges in implementing this technology in Malaysia. This presentation reviews the opportunities and challenges from Malaysia’s perspective the potential for biogas production from various wastewater treatment and waste management industries in Malaysia. It also discusses the benefits and barriers for anaerobic digestion technology deployment to harness the biogas energy potential to support the renewable energy target in Malaysia. In the past, the technical competence and high capital investment required for industrial-scale anaerobic digesters have limited their uptake, but recent advances have made smaller-scale systems more viable through a greater understanding of optimising bacterial metabolism and productivity. Broader issues such as life cycle assessment and energy policies to promote AD are also discussed. Moreover, the application of AD in palm oil mill’s in Malaysia has shown tremendous potential for electricity generation and emission avoidance. Biogas generated from AD of palm oil mill effluent (POME) can replace palm kernel shell and mesocarp fibre which has higher economic value as boiler fuel; upgraded to be used in the gas engine for power generation. This presentation also included the elaboration on the potential of POME as a source of renewable energy and the challenges faced by the palm oil mills in Malaysia which deter the development of biogas plants in the mill.

Geospatial Kuala Lumpur International Conference (Geospatial 2019)

This event includes three major conferences and one-day tutorial :
– 6th GGT International Conference
– 4th SDSC International Conference
– 8th LADM Workshop
– Advanced 3D Modelling and Big GeoData (one-day tutorial)

We encourage and welcome your research papers to be submitted for the event.

More details regarding area of interests and disciplines including important dates and submission guidelines are available in the conference website (


International Inbound : Norwegian University of Science & Technology

International Inbound : Norwegian University of Science & Technology organized by UTM and Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

– Green Construction Forum
– Technical Visit to MBJB Tower GBI

11th April 2019
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying, UTM
